Partridge Family Law LLC offers clients a depth of family law experience.
Our clients are assured of the best legal representation available. Terri Partridge, along with her her team, have taken on challenging cases that demand an ability to work under pressure, explore new avenues of family law and navigate conflict involving highly personal relationships.
The team at Partridge Family Law understands the importance of responding to — and anticipating — our clients' needs. From the initial interview to the preparation of the case, to investigation and discovery, to negotiation and trial, if negotiations fail, we stand with our clients every step of the way.
Our experience at all levels of the legal process gives clients an edge when faced with seemingly daunting challenges. We provide strategic advice rooted in solid knowledge of the courts and a full appreciation of each case.
The experienced professionals at Partridge Family Law advocate for our clients every day — in court and in the negotiating room. Most cases never reach the trial stage. Those cases are resolved through careful and thorough preparation. Cases that cannot be settled, are rigorously prepared for trial by the team, and the experienced attorneys prepare for every argument and present the facts clearly and convincingly.
Partridge Family Law handles a full range of complex family law matters.
We invite you to contact us at 617-859-9999 for more information.